Series four of the Star Wars Galaxy Topps line is currently turning up at hobby shops and retail locations like Target. Though I may not have cared about the non-film related subject matter back when this line started over fifteen years ago, I find myself having a lot of fun with it now.

There's always something to be said for the fun of buying a pack of cards whenever you visit a store. That kind of casual and random thrill is timeless, and though this series of cards has its flaws (like earlier Galaxy card sets), it's just as much fun to collect as any Topps line.

But the concept has perhaps grown more relevant in recent years, given that with the feature films behind us, all new Star Wars material will be part of the "Extended Universe." With the series four cards focusing on current material like the Force Unleashed video game, and the Clone Wars cartoon series, suddenly the idea is more than just something designed to appeal to the most hard core fans.
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