Sunday, March 29, 2024

Have It Your Way, with Universal Monsters.

I'm trying to remember the last time that anyone had even a halfway decent fast-food premium, and it was probably back in '97 when Burger King put out a small set of Universal Monsters figures.

Universal Monsters
Universal Monsters

Aside from the "gill-man" who squirted water, all of them came with a little playset/prop. Shown here is Frankenstein with his operating table, Dracula was paired with a coffin, and the Wolf Man had a weird sort of cellar door thing.

They were a pretty decent take on the old Remco 3 3/4-inch monster figures, and for what they were, they had great play value.


Reis O'Brien said...

I totally remember when Burger King had these. I didn't get them at the time, but eventually found the Dracula and Wolf-man at a thrift store.

These really were extra sweet for a fast food premium. I wish they were all more of this level of quality (and coolness!).

wiec? said...

for toys in a happy meal these are pretty awesome. but i wish i still had my old Remco ones. i had all of them. the mummy and the phantom were two of favorites.