Thursday, March 26, 2024

Print: Digital Retro

It's always nice when you find something that lets you know that there are people out there with exactly the same odd little obsessions as yours. Yesterday I picked up a book printed in 2004 by Gordon Laing, that pretty much describes the contents of over a dozen giant brown boxes that I have squirreled away in my basement.

Digital Retro
Digital Retro

It's a brilliant book, that focuses on "low-cost" home computers and game consoles from the mid '70 to the late '80s, with tons of photographs of original models, and designer interviews. The author also fills the paragraphs and margins with cool trivia and invaluable historic information. Did you know that there was a connection between the Commodore 64 and the Atari ST? (Of coarse you did.)

For a guy with an admitted love for dusty old, yellowing plastic boxes... this book is perfect.

(Published by Sybex, Inc. 2004 -- ISBN: 0-7821-4330-X)


Jay said...

If you're into C64, then you'll dig this Commodore Laptop:

Ben Heckerdorn is a DIY hacker guy with oodles of talent. He specialized in hacking old/obsolete computers and game systems into portable works of art!

I saw this post on Boing Boing earlier this week, but above is the direct link.