Sunday, March 08, 2024

Secret Clown Business.

People will always say that clowns scare them, but those are probably the same people that would spend hours cranking away at the lever on a Jack-in-the-box when they were kids.

Jack in the Box

This version from around 1953 by Mattel, features a series of fantastic illustrations on each side, as well as an admittedly creepy armless clown.

Jack in the Box

Aside from the obvious clown thing, these music boxes share a similar feature in that they should both play "Pop Goes the Weasel", but are sadly broken. Again, try to imagine the number of times that someone scared themselves with these things before they quit playing music.

Jack in the Box

From around 1971 we get a more "mod" version from Mattel, that sports a pair of clownish flipper arms and some crazy spring loaded eyes.

Jack in the Box

To be honest, I've never understood the whole "clowns scare me" thing. Oh sure, I recognize the creepiness and all, but I can't imagine running from one in terror.

Or perhaps I just haven't met that kind of clown yet...

Acrobat Clown
Acrobat Clown      Acrobat Clown

Also from around 1953, comes this wind-up acrobat clown by Mattel, that I admit is particularly weird... as well as incredibly charming.

Acrobat Clown

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