I love the packaging, and though I'm not personally big on having a huge collection of carded figures, there are for sure a few--including this one perhaps--that I would like to keep carded.
Before I whine about what bothers me with this figure, I'll just say up front that I do think that this is a nice toy. Hasbro has put some care into constructing a reasonably decent and play friendly figure here, with a good sculpt, simple but well done paint, and solid build quality.

My top two complaints with this one, are that he suffers from having a bit of a "pea-head," which seems all too typical when it comes to Silver Surfer figures. As a matter of fact, I don't think I've ever seen one from ToyBiz, Hasbro or anyone really that was handled perfectly.
Criticism number two, is that though the articulation is good for a small figure like this, it's not exactly great. He's a little bow-legged actually, and I think that a better ankle joint might have fixed that. As far as poseability goes, I'm starting to wish that Hasbro hadn't decided to go with a fixed waist on these figures also. A swivel or even a second socket would have made this one amazing.
I've been known to fiddle with a toy for ages to get the pose that I want, but for the shot below it took far too long even by my standards. Silver Surfer is extremely light, and though he will stand if balanced just right, there's very little room for error if you bump him... especially if you're trying to get him to hold his board. I can't help but think that a variety of hands, with different gestures or grips, would have been a nice addition here.

Stands in general are a good idea for this line, and it's really fortunate that the Surfer comes with one as part of his character.
And speaking of characters... I'll repeat again, that though this figure could use a little improving, I'm more than happy that it was made at this size. The Silver Surfer has always been a favorite of mine, if not because he's a cool throwback to the '60s, then at the very least it's because he looks awesome posed alongside Galactus.

As always, larger versions of the images can be seen by clicking on them, or by visiting my Flickr page -- here.
I think this figure could have benefited from a cut waist for extra articulation. I've seen pictures of prototypes of the Surfer that had it, and I believe a couple of the other MU figures have a cut waist.
Still I think this is my favorite of the MU so far.
Great and detail review. I agree on the pea-head part. Another complain of mine is the pricing. 3.75" pricing is so close to the 5" Marvel toys from hasbros too.
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