Sunday, April 19, 2024

"The Armageddon Epidemic Has Spread Out of Control."

A couple of years ago, Mezco put out a very nicely done zombie line called Attack of the Living Dead. It featured three characters: Earl, Jake, and Hellen. Shown below are Earl and Jake, but I skipped Hellen, largely because I didn't care for Mezco's choice of a limited kneeling pose, and not at all because of quality.


As a matter of fact, Mezco did an excellent job with this line, and all of the figures were top-notch as far as build and paint goes. The paint versions alone (different colors, black and white, glow-in-the dark) made it fun, but things like a choice of "strain" variation, with two "phases" of zombie severity, made the line great.

It was a unique effort in that obviously Mezco put them out because they love the subject matter, and not to support a book or movie. Just zombies for the sake of making zombies... and the only thing that I can complain about, is that it doesn't seem as though they intend to make more.

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