As far as I'm concerned, NECA puts out a product more closely akin to a really well made garage kit with limited articulation, than a traditional action figure. So many of their efforts follow the garage kit formula--obscure subject matter, great detail, display worthy set pieces. But best of all, the things come assembled and are painted with a great deal of care.
The "Plaid Shirt Zombie" from Dawn of the Dead is a very obscure character. It's a blink-and-you-missed-him-because-he's-been-shot-in-the-head kind of character, but he's totally iconic, and a very classic looking zombie.

Blue skin, a bullet wound, rotting flesh, and a creepy eye make him one of my favorites. Something that I'm also really into, is how this figure stands at a kind of weird and uncomfortable angle. The whole thing's very well thought out, and very well executed.
And speaking of executions...

As many times as I've seen Dawn of the Dead, I'm always crushed when Stephen is killed. I mean... I'm a pretty jaded horror fan, and I can't say that I really care about the characters in many other zombie films, but Stephen, or "Flyboy" as he's nicknamed, is someone that you want to see survive.
Just the same though, his blue faced zombie corpse makes for another great action figure, and once again NECA has handled it very well. The only thing that I would change, is that I would have liked a simpler base without the random corpse. Or maybe it should have been a biker corpse... I dunno.

After writing this, I've remembered that I never picked up the Hare Krishna Zombie, which was the third Dawn of the Dead figure that NECA released. It's a great figure also, with all of the same strong points as the others, but perhaps a bit less gory, and just a little more humorous.
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