Tuesday, April 28, 2024


I think one of my greatest failing as a nerd parent has been that I don't spend nearly enough time playing board games with my son. He hit middle school this year, and when I was his age, more than just a little of my spare time was spent throwing 4, 6, 8, and 20 sided dice, while pushing poorly painted lead figures around. So I recently picked up a Bag O' Zombies as a kind of commitment to the idea that we'll soon be playing the Zombies!!! game by Twilight Creations Inc.

Bag O' Zombies!!!
Bag O' Zombies!!!

The concept is hard to resist, and not just because it give me an excuse to buy a bag full of little plastic walking corpses, but I love the idea of bonding while rolling dice and fighting off zombies.


kenchan13 said...

i just scored the ZOMBIES! directors cut on ebay for $8 with an extra 100 zombies.i cant wait!!btw if you go to http://www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/1773
you can print a game board for your zombies and the rules.

btw 2-thnx for checkin out my blog :)

plasticfetish said...

We were at the comic book store today scrounging for "free comic book day" leftovers, and would have bought the game if they hadn't been out of it. They had all of the expansion packs though, so next time...

kenchan13 said...


hope you see this in time