Saturday, May 30, 2024

Ms. Marvel Universe

Judging from what I see by looking at Hasbro's new Ms. Marvel figure, the superheroine's powers come from both her huge jugs and a costume that shows off plenty of leg. Not that it's Hasbro's idea, and honestly... it's not like I mind either, but this is one of those times when I imagine the average parent thinking, "Whoa! What's with the huge bazooms on that?" when they see it at Toys"R"Us.

Ms. Marvel

Cliché comic book imagery aside, I picked the classic version of this character over the modern version (also released), because I prefer the way it looks. I think that Hasbro's done just about the best job of rendering blond feathered hair that anyone can do. That, and because all of the modern Ms. Marvels that I've seen had terrible paint.

Ms. Marvel

Ms. Marvel comes with the same mix of strong and weak elements that all of the figures from this line have. On the one hand there's some nice detail, and the articulation for a 3-3/4-inch figure is good. But on the other hand, some of the paint lines can be loose, and a few of the articulation points seem poorly placed.

My earlier comments about "proportion" are related to how Hasbro put the torso joint where they did. Instead of using a ball joint near the waist, her chest seems large, because they've put the joint so high. They've done this with the male figures also, but it really stands out and seems weird with the female figures.

Little things like that don't kill the fun factor though, and ultimately it's a winner, if not absolutely perfect.

Ms. Marvel


chunky B said...

Nice, I have seen this one in stores a couple of times, but seeing it out of the package makes it look that much better, I might have to pick it up now.