Saturday, June 13, 2024

Here's What I'm Playing -- WrestleMania

NES toploader WrestleMania

So, I've had this one shoved in the old NES toploader for a week now, and each time I play, it turns out exactly the same way.

WrestleMania WrestleMania


You're given a choice of players and opponents, and seeing as how this game is based on WrestleMania III, I can't help but choose Hulk Hogan each time. Then I have him battle André the Giant...

WrestleMania WrestleMania

...which is stupid, because each match seems to only last a minute. Sure, things start out well enough, but before I know it, André the Giant has Hulk by the legs. And if that doesn't look bad enough, he finishes things off by laying on the Hulkster, who is apparently so violated that he quits... or maybe dies.



Yes, well done André. Well done indeed!


Reis O'Brien said...

That is crazy old-school! I remember playing that game over at my friends house, and hating it because he always beat me. But that didn't stop me from playing it for hours. Kids are dumb.

disa said...
