Friday, June 12, 2024

Lunch with The Green Hornet

Every now and then I'll come across something so cool that, even though I really don't collect it, I just can't help myself. Recently it was this Green Hornet lunch box by King-Seeley Thermos Co. from 1967.

The Green Hornet

I love old lunch boxes, but there's a little voice in my head that tells me, "Do not under any circumstances fall into the expensive lunch box collecting habit." The art on most of these older boxes is as good as it gets, and this one is no exception.

The Green Hornet The Green Hornet

The Green Hornet

But aside from the visual appeal of something like this, there's no denying that it's awesome to have a lunch box with Bruce Lee on it. Chances are fantastic that I'll turn around and sell this thing on eBay pretty soon... but in the meantime I'm gonna fill it with sandwiches and put on Flight of the Bumblebee.


Jay Amabile said...

yeah this GH lunchbox kicks ass!!!The lunchbox collecting bug is tempting but I won't let myself fall into it. FYI: Pro Wrestler Batista has a vintage lunchbox collection!