With a million more important projects to deal with, organizing my mountain of electronic toys is a low priority, but I've gotta admit... it's been fun.
We moved from Southern California to the Portland area about four years ago, and it was then that most of this stuff was boxed up.

Back when I started picking this stuff up at thrift stores and garage sales, it had only just begun to find its niche as a collectible. I mean... it wasn't that I was the only person out there buying old video games, but it was much easier to find a vintage boxed system fifteen years ago.
Today I rarely find anything at all.While digging around, I've had a chance to relive two decades worth of casual, but definitely compulsive collecting. Games are a great thing to collect, because the future always promises more entertainment.
I'm looking forward to dusting off each and every item, and then eventually playing around to see what still works.
dude i'm so jealous right now.
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