Tuesday, September 08, 2024

Here's What I'm Playing -- Batman: Arkham Asylum

If you haven't seen your nerdy Batman fan friend lately, it's probably because they've been playing Batman: Arkham Asylum for the last few weeks. 

Batman: Arkham Asylum

It takes a lot to get my son to stop playing Fallout 3 right now, and more importantly, it's a miracle that I can get anywhere near the Xbox 360 at all, but this game is as close to a miracle as I need. 

Batman: Arkham Asylum

With no shortage of rave reviews out there, my praise for Batman: Arkham Asylum isn't going to count for much, but again... if you're wondering where one of your internet friends has wandered off to, it's a very good bet that they're swooping down on thugs, and beating them to a pulp via a wireless controller right this moment. I'm actually having a hard time concentrating on this post. (Detective Mode... on.)