Monday, September 28, 2024


As much as I loved the show, action figures from the old Mattel Battlestar Galactica line were never all that interesting to me. I'm sure it had something to do with the fact that there was plenty of Star Wars coming from Hasbro to keep me busy, but it also had something to do with aliens like this...



In retrospect, the Ovion figure is cool in a silly and fun sort of way, but back in '79 I wasn't impressed. The shame of it is that if Mattel had expanded the line a bit, and maybe come out with a few more characters, then I think I would have gotten into it.


narvolicious said...

I was a big fan of the BG toy series, namely the spacecraft with the red firing projectiles which were later recalled due to a child's death.

I had Ovion and most of the other figures. I remember he came with some "net" looking garb. Freaky creature. All those toys eventually got buried tin the toy box. Who knows where they are now. Great pics, thanks for sharing.

plasticfetish said...


Yeah, Ovion is supposed to have a shirt (?) made out of a shiny lace material. (Mine's obviously missing that.)

The ships were great. I had the Viper and the Cylon Raider as a kid, and really enjoyed them.

wiec? said...

the only one of these i had was the dog/monkey/ robot guy. he was cool. i never watched BG when i was little so dog monkey was han solo's pet.

i always wanted a Cylon but kept buying Stormtroopers.

chunky B said...

Wow what a blast from the past, I had a Cylon, the Daggit and Cylon Raider that shot missiles before Mattel had the recall.

This guy doesn't look that bad, remember Star Wars has Walrus Man, his first figure wasn't all that great.

Reis O'Brien said...

I had several of these figures, including Ovion. I think they all came one Christmas from a relative. I wasn't really into the movie, so they were quickly absorbed into my Star Wars bedroom floor adventures.