In the case of Mezco's new 3-3/4-inch Cinema of Fear line, even though the figures look good carded, you just don't get the full effect until you open them up. Once I'd ripped the packaging apart to set old Bubba loose, I knew instantly that Mezco had managed to do this thing right.
Everything about this tiny version of my favorite modern horror character has been done perfectly. The overall build quality is excellent: all of the joints are snug, there is no glue slop, he stands and poses well, and the included accessories work just as they should. As far as sculpt and paint goes, I couldn't ask for more. After looking a few of these figures over, the only real paint variation that I could find, was in the amount of blood spatter... which is awesome.

Ultimately, it's a fun little figure that even manages to strike a perfect balance between how he's posed, and the amazing amount of articulation. Mezco has managed to sculpt Leatherface in that hunched over, creepy, near pounce of a pose; while at the same time giving him ankle, knee, hip, waist, neck, shoulder, bicep, elbow, and two (two!) points of wrist articulation. Brilliant!
I don't often play the comparison game between companies, but seeing as how everyone under the sun is doing some kind of 3-3/4-inch line at this point, I think it's worth stating that Mezco has proved--at least with this figure--that for a fair price, it is possible to include all of the right elements, and you can even toss in a blood stained stand for good measure.
Wow, hadn't seen these yet! Super cool.
I saw these at a TRU the other day and was so close to buying them! Now I feel like an idiot for passing. The Freddy figure looked awesome! maybe I'll have to go back and get them.
Great review!
Reis, do a review if you buy Freddy or Jason. Leatherface really is great... I'd love to know how the others are.
Thought you might be interested in this. THE SERIAL KILLER MAGAZINE is now at Borders, B Dalton, Barnes and Nobel and other stores.
You can take a look at it at http://serialkillercalendar.com
The store also sells Serial Killer Trading Cards, Action Figures, Calendars and other morbid merch.
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