Monday, November 23, 2024

Megatron... and On, and On, and On

Of coarse the Robots in Disguise line wasn't all about transforming vehicle robots. I'm not entirely sure what the show was about, as the US version was both boring and difficult to follow thanks to the erratic scheduling. But it did have a kind of wild, bat like, robotic, two-headed dragon, giant claw hand, jet or car version of Megatron, that ultimately made for a really great toy.


And none of that should be surprising, seeing as how Transformers have always been about toys first, show later... and if the show only half makes sense, then... well...


Aside from the intense black and purple color scheme, RiD Megatron is unique because he features six different modes of transformation, and apparently another four that aren't advertised.

Most of Megatron's forms are a little ridiculous, but in a good way I suppose. The charm of this toy comes from its over-the-top nature, as well as the extreme sort of play value that you get.



kenchan13 said...

Damn this is DOPE!Ive never seen this before.

Dan said...

That is spiffy awesome!