Wednesday, December 16, 2023

J'onn J'onzz of Mars... Rise

The entire Blackest Night event has been a great deal of fun so far. The lure of free power rings has got me reading books that I might not have bought otherwise--which was the whole point of DC's really great marketing campaign I suppose.

Blackest Night

Just as cool is the inevitable line of Blackest Night figures by DC Direct. From series two I picked up the Black Lantern Martian Manhunter figure, and for the most part I'd say it's pretty cool.

I love the Martian Manhunter as both a character, and as subject matter for toys. It's become a minor obsession of mine to collect Martian Manhunter figures, so when they put out a creepy undead take on the big green guy, I can't resist.

Blackest Night Martian Manhunter Blackest Night Martian Manhunter

Blackest Night Martian Manhunter

I like the sculpt, pose, and included stand, but still need to nail them on a simple inaccuracy: the Black Lantern power ring is on the wrong (left) hand. The price paid at my local comic shop was a little higher than I'd like also, but $16-ish seems to be the average for things like this, so it forces me to pick and choose a bit, rather than snap up each and every wave of figures.


Dad.. said...

THIS is the type of action figure I can't RESIST opening!! Truly a piece of art!!