Tuesday, February 09, 2024

140 Interlocking Pieces

The only thing better than finding a good puzzle at the thrift store, is finding one that actually comes with all of its pieces.

Star Wars Jigsaw Puzzle

Of coarse the first thing that I did when I got home was count all the pieces... and fortunately they're all there.

Not that the $1.99 asking price wasn't worth the risk, but what really made it worth while was the included mini catalog from 1978.

Star Wars Catalog '78


kenchan13 said...

Lucky. I found 3 at a church sale sans catalogs. Mine was tusken raider w/ gaff stick, luke checking out r5-d4, and han and chewie. All pieces included but sever tape damage to boxes. How have u been? You havent been around?

plasticfetish said...

I can't believe that I don't have more of these. There may be one other SW puzzle around here some place, but I never find them with all of the pieces, so...

Been OK. Thanks for asking. Busy with "real life" lately, but I'm around.

Erick said...

Thank you for your plastic fetish. I really enjoy your blog.

I gave you a blog award. You can read about it on my blog here --
