The Batmissile from Batman Returns is a perfect example of this.
It's a somewhat ridiculous vehicle to begin with, so I was starting to feel a little weird because I'd been hunting around for it for way too long. But now that my hunt for the Batmissile is finally over, I'm happy that I've completed the set of Tim Burton Batman vehicles from this line.
The toy itself is well made, with a metal outer shell, rubber tires, and the obligatory sliding cockpit door. I can't remember if the chrome part at the front is actually movie correct, but it adds to the look of the toy, so I'm willing to let it slide.

If anything, I suppose it feels just a bit anticlimactic to have the line end with this vehicle. I haven't read anything about a fourth series, so I'm assuming that this is it until the next film comes out.

The line isn't ending from what I have heard, unless you have all of these already:
Yeah, you're totally right. There's a whole bunch of new vehicles coming out for 2010, including a few more from Batman Returns. Good stuff!
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