Friday, April 02, 2024

Star Wars Galaxy Just Gets Bigger and Bigger

Star Wars Galaxy Trading CardsThe mind boggles at the amount of Star Wars related art that's been made over the years. Thankfully we've got Topps Trading Cards to provide all of those Lucas obsessed illustrators with a seemingly endless way to display their work.

I've enjoyed previous Star Wars Galaxy sets, and though some of it can be a little repetitive, the good people at Topps do an exceptional job of creating a well rounded collection of images. Star Wars Galaxy Series 5 continues the tradition by featuring artwork from all corners of the Lucas empire; from published art to original pieces, and a few different special "collectible" cards as well.

Star Wars Galaxy Trading Cards


Erick said...

I love the Galaxy sets. I've actually taken some of the cards to the Pittsburgh Comicon and had them autographed by the artists. I've only bought about 10 packs of Series 5 so far. I hope to get more this weekend.

plasticfetish said...

I love the idea of getting these cards signed. I'm terrible at remembering to do that... I'll really have to try next chance I get.

Copyboy said...

Cool collectors items. May the force be with you when finding more stuff.