Thursday, April 01, 2024

Styro-fun Cups

Thought I'd share this. I managed to score a small collection of these awesome cups at a local convenience store this evening...

The brilliant thing is that these somehow manage to keep cold drinks cold, and warm drinks warm. The clear plastic lids really seal the deal, as they allow you to actually see when you're about to run out of your favorite beverage.



Mario! said...

I'm keeping an eye out for the variant red cups!

Reis O'Brien said...

Wow! Those are in minty fresh condition! What are those? Like a C9 or C10?

Jay said...

I can't wait to collect them all so I can send for the exclusive "mail-in" cup!

kenchan13 said...

I'm going to painstakingly paint mine. Will that lower or raise the value?