Saturday, May 22, 2024

Ultraseven and Anne Yuri

A recent trip to the local Japanese market made me a little nostalgic for the days when the snack aisle was packed with all kinds of things that weren't exactly snacks. I'm not sure if it's just the particular market that I visit, or if the candy toy phenomenon has ended, but I really miss the racks full of Godzilla, Kamen Rider, and Ultraman treasures.

Digging through what I've collected over the years, I pulled out these two brilliant little figures from the Ultraseven show.

UltrasevenAnne Yuri
Anne Yuri

Ultraseven is a Bandai figure from '99 and Anne Yuri is from around 2001. Bandai has been making candy toys for ages, but the late '90s seemed like a time when they really kicked things into high gear.

Figures like these from the "Hyper Ultraman" series are still around today in some form or another. It's just too bad that they aren't being sold where I shop.

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