Saturday, June 12, 2024

The Empire Strikes Back... Now With A Third More "D"

Empire Strikes Back 3-D

Empire Strikes Back 3-DTo be perfectly honest, for a very long time now I've been more than happy with my simple two-dimensional The Empire Strikes Back trading cards. But what Topps has managed to do with these, is add another dimension, and somehow they've increased the coolness factor by a hundred percent.

It's no secret, I'm kind of a Star Wars fan, and I'm pretty fond of Topps trading cards. Add that to the simple fact that I'm a sucker for silly 3-D effects, and it's a given that I'm going to like this set. They are really fun cards. The images are very nice, the film facts on the back are great, and the quiz questions...

"what type of stew did Yoda make for Luke Skywalker when he brought the boy into his home?"

(My answer: Dog barf. The real answer: Rootleaf.)

...are another great way to celebrate The Empire Strikes Back and its 30th anniversary.

The one negative aspect of these cards is the price. Though you'll end up paying around three dollars for a pack of only three cards, I think it's worth it to try just a few.