Thursday, August 19, 2024

Mr. T's Water World

Just in time for the Dog Days of summer, comes this completely insane lawn game. I pity the fool that hits "T" in the face with a wet sponge, but that's apparently how you win Mr. T's Water War.

There's really no aspect of this game that makes sense. First, there's the idea that Mr. T would be a part of some sort of water war. I've no idea where the connection between Mr. T and a hose squirting children with water comes from. Secondly, there's the visual weirdness that comes from having a large plastic Mr. T head attached to your garden hose. Not his entire body, no, just the head and hands. Which leads you to wonder... is he supposed to be half buried in the lawn as children run back and forth through his watery spray?

I dunno.


kenchan13 said...

I've never wanted anything so bad in my life than my need to have this for a late summer bbq.

plasticfetish said...

I'm really torn.

Part of me wanted to hook a hose up to Mr. T immediately, but I was thrilled to find it boxed and unused (at the thrift store for $3 BTW), so I probably won't be running around this on my front lawn after all.

Sure my neighbors would have enjoyed that.