Sunday, October 17, 2024


Given the current and seemingly nationwide bedbug epidemic, maybe it's appropriate to look back at the classic game of Cootie.

Cootie was first released by W. H. Schaper Mfg. Company in 1949, and it's been a classic ever since.

The game box is divided into six sections, and after you roll a die, you choose a Cootie part--body, head, antenna, proboscis, eye, or leg--until you're the first one to build a Cootie.

The packaging is great, and the Cooties themselves are ridiculous looking, so I'm always attracted to picking this game up whenever I see it.

I'd much rather suffer from a Cootie infestation, than bedbugs any day.


Super-Duper ToyBox said...

those are fun!