Saturday, April 17, 2024

DC Universe Classics: Deadman

DeadmanIf you think about it, DC seems to have a thing for circus acrobats. Now... I don't have anything against circus folk. As a matter of fact, I'd run away and join tomorrow if it weren't for the risks.

It's bad enough that you face death each time you perform your trapeze act, but being shot by a mysterious killer? That's just too much. Unless some mystic force lets you to return from the dead to posses the living in order to find justice. Yeah, in that case it might be worth it.

What's also worth the risk, is spending a few dollars to get the Deadman figure from Mattel's DC Universe Classics line.


Distribution for this line has always been a bit random, so I'm currently seeing three or four different waves at retail. Deadman is from series eleven, which boasts Green Lantern Kilowog as a "Collect & Connect" figure. That makes the weird scarcity of series eleven (in my area anyway) all the more lame, because Kilowog looks like an awesome figure.

I've been on a huge DC jag for a while now, and it's had a lot to do with my interest in the more obscure Golden and Silver Age heroes. Deadman is a perfect example, and it doesn't hurt that he's seemingly a major player (though now alive) in the current Brightest Day series.

As always, the Four Horsemen have delivered a brilliant version of what's really a very creepy character. The nicely articulated and lanky limbs are executed perfectly, as is the ash colored zombie-esque head.


All in all this toy is great, which makes the ever increasing price for figures from this line a little easier to accept. I'm not exactly wild about seeing a ten dollar figure go for nearly fifteen dollars, but given that these are some of the best toys out there, I'm not exactly surprised either.

Friday, April 02, 2024

Star Wars Galaxy Just Gets Bigger and Bigger

Star Wars Galaxy Trading CardsThe mind boggles at the amount of Star Wars related art that's been made over the years. Thankfully we've got Topps Trading Cards to provide all of those Lucas obsessed illustrators with a seemingly endless way to display their work.

I've enjoyed previous Star Wars Galaxy sets, and though some of it can be a little repetitive, the good people at Topps do an exceptional job of creating a well rounded collection of images. Star Wars Galaxy Series 5 continues the tradition by featuring artwork from all corners of the Lucas empire; from published art to original pieces, and a few different special "collectible" cards as well.

Star Wars Galaxy Trading Cards

Thursday, April 01, 2024

Styro-fun Cups

Thought I'd share this. I managed to score a small collection of these awesome cups at a local convenience store this evening...

The brilliant thing is that these somehow manage to keep cold drinks cold, and warm drinks warm. The clear plastic lids really seal the deal, as they allow you to actually see when you're about to run out of your favorite beverage.
