Friday, August 27, 2024

Black Lantern Batman

It's not even the coolest figure from series 5 of the DC Direct Blackest Night line--that honor goes to Nekron--but it's just about the closest thing we'll ever get to a zombie Batman, so I'm willing to call this one of the most awesome action figures ever.

Tuesday, August 24, 2024

New Hot Wheels Bat-stuff: Penguin Edition

Growing up in the 1970s, at a time when shows like Star Trek, Lost in Space, The Wild Wild West, and the original Batman series were heavily syndicated, I became a huge fan of '60s television.

It's pretty obvious that any attempt at a diecast '60s Batmobile will get my attention, but take something like this Penguin Batmobile, and you've upped the nerd factor by adding obscurity to the mix.
I can barely remember the episode where the Penguin steals the Batmobile, but I'm thrilled that Mattel gave this one a shot.

Slightly less thrilling, is this "armored" version of the Batmobile from Batman Returns.

Batman Returns is a movie that I really love actually, and I dig the armored Batmobile concept. Mattel has managed to create one of the most brick-like and boring toys ever made with this one though. Aside from the cockpit door that slides open to reveal... well... nothing, the only other details are scuffs to the paint, which aren't handled very well.

Just the same, there's a part of me that's happy to have this one in any form. And there's something to be said for the fact that the outer shell is mostly diecast.

The Batboat from Batman Returns is better I think.

It's not flush with action gimmics or exciting details, but it is a slick little version of a silly vehicle from a very fun film. As a matter of fact, aside from the Penguin's rubber duck boat (I can cross my fingers, but I doubt we'll ever see it) it's a perfect way to finish up the set of Batman Returns vehicles.

Thursday, August 19, 2024

Mr. T's Water World

Just in time for the Dog Days of summer, comes this completely insane lawn game. I pity the fool that hits "T" in the face with a wet sponge, but that's apparently how you win Mr. T's Water War.

There's really no aspect of this game that makes sense. First, there's the idea that Mr. T would be a part of some sort of water war. I've no idea where the connection between Mr. T and a hose squirting children with water comes from. Secondly, there's the visual weirdness that comes from having a large plastic Mr. T head attached to your garden hose. Not his entire body, no, just the head and hands. Which leads you to wonder... is he supposed to be half buried in the lawn as children run back and forth through his watery spray?

I dunno.

Saturday, August 07, 2024

Shell Head

Iron ManI'm not really sure why, but it constantly seems as though the Iron Man 2 line is superior to the regular Marvel Universe line.

Case in point, is this well made, well painted, and well everything 3-3/4-inch figure of the original '60s crimson and gold Iron Man.

It's not perfect, as it certainly has its minor flaws, but in general it's a very solid and fun little figure, of what I'll admit is probably my favorite Iron Man suit.

Iron Man
Iron Man