Monday, June 06, 2024

Black and White-mobile

From the ever amazing world of cheap plastic Batmobiles, comes this black and white version by Duncan, circa some time in the late '70s.

The eBay seller advertised that he pulled it mint from its packaging just as seen, and it is in great condition, so I don't really doubt him, except for the fact that I know it might be missing some decals.

Many of the later Mexican made Duncan Batmobiles featured brightly colored racing stripes and the name "Duncanmobile" in big letters on their sides. This Batmobile, though otherwise immaculate, does actually have some sticker residue where those decals would or should have been.

It did occur to me that this one might have had its stickers removed at the factory for some reason, and then it was repackaged for sale. I'd believe anything, seeing as how there are a huge number of variations and bootlegs when it comes to these toys.


Super-Duper ToyBox said...

Realy noir-looking like that- I like it!

plasticfetish said...

Exactly. Probably my favorite version just because.