Monday, June 20, 2024

Deadman Walking

The Blackest Night line by DC Direct was actually pretty great. I picked up the Martian Manhunter and Batman Black Lantern figures, and was happy with both of them. The entire line looked really good, so I've been waiting for the first series of Brightest Day figures to come out, because I assumed that they'd be just as great.

After looking the new Deadman figure over for the last few days, I think I might have assumed correctly.

The packaging is colorful and nicely designed. The bubble is shaped like a lantern, with the White Lantern symbol in the middle. The thing can stand up well carded--if you're the type who keeps and displays their figures carded, but it also opens easily without destroying the packaging. A win-win.

The overall build quality of the figure is very good, with no paint problems or loose wobbly joints. The plastic used is thick and heavy, and nothing came out of the packaging warped. Again... a win-win.

What's best about this figure though, is the fact that you have a choice when it comes to displaying him with the Deadman head, or with Boston Brand's normal head. In addition to the nice big figure stand, it comes with a lantern, and Deadman's mask as an accessory, which ups the display value significantly.

I kind of regret not picking up the Deadman figure from the Blackest Night line now, as they'd display really well together, but chances are good that I'll be able to track one down at some point.

From series two of this line I'm likely to buy the Martian Manhunter figure when I see it. I really wish that DC Direct had taken a stab at doing a White Lantern Swamp Thing. I bet it would have been pretty awesome.


Super-Duper ToyBox said...

He looks GREAT!