Monday, July 25, 2024

Batman Arkham Asylum -- Armored Version

BatmanA while back I'd put up a little review of Batman from the first DC Direct series of Batman: Arkham Asylum figures, and to be honest, I wasn't entirely pleased with it.

It had problems, which mostly had to do with inconsistent paint quality, but I'm really pleased to say that the second Batman figure from Series 2, that features an armor costume, is much better.

It's entirely possible that I got lucky this time and was unlucky last time, but just about everything is as close to perfect with this figure as I'd ever want.

Well... there is one weird little problem, and we'll get it out of the way right up front: the horns on his cowl are different sizes. I looked a few different figures over actually, and they each had the same problem, so I'm assuming that it's a running error.


But it's not a deal breaker with this figure, and I'm still giving it a thumbs up.

I like it because the sculpt is great, the paint job is really nice, and the overall build quality is very good. The thing is rock solid actually... not the most exciting and articulated figure, but a good looking display piece just the same.


Other figures from this second wave are actually pretty nice looking as well. Bane is a huge chunk of plastic that looks really fantastic. Poison Ivy is good, but could use a slightly more detailed paint job, so she isn't great, and if you're a big fan of Zsasz (I'm really not), you'll dig that figure as well.



jboypacman said...

A little odd in the horns/mask like you said but it looks solid.

brainbraker said...

wow:) very detailed