Sunday, August 21, 2024


I haven't done much blogging lately, because I've been experiencing a huge burst of real life "getting stuff done", which has included digging through boxes that haven't been opened for a while.

One of the best finds in the past few days has been my much beloved Vectrex game system.


I don't actually own any of the game carts or plastic overlays that were made for this system, but I'm a big fan of the built-in game Minestorm, which is a kind of Asteroids rip-off.


I found this thing at a thrift store a little over fifteen years ago, and was pretty thrilled. Nearly thirty years after it was built, it still fires up and plays like new. Talk about quality... wish my xBox worked as well.


jboypacman said...

I used to own one of these a few years back and it was very popular when we would have friends over.

salma said...

That is the modern technique of the 21st century....I used to own one of these.......
discount card printing
custom gift cards
plastic card
Scratch Card