Wednesday, September 28, 2024

Board Game: King Kong

Like every kid that grew up in the '70s, I love King Kong. it all began with regular viewings of the classic Kong movie on Saturday afternoon television, but it peaked when the Dino De Laurentiis film came out in 1976.

I'm actually pretty fond of the '76 Kong movie. Nothing will ever beat the original, but the version with Jeff Bridges, Charles Grodin, and Jessica Lange (I had a huge crush on Jessica Lange) is a lot of fun.

Just as great is the amazing amount of merchandise that came out with the film. One really cool example, is the King Kong board game by Ideal.

You roll dice, spin the spinner, and play the mission cards to beat Kong before he reaches the top of the World Trade Center. In all, it's pretty typical that the game is a bit cooler to look at than it is to play, but ultimately it's silly and fun, just like the movie.


John said...

I remmeber all the stuff that came when that version of King Kong was releaseed including this game. Thanks for sharing.

jboypacman said...

I remember this game! Talk about a long lost memory just too cool.

kenchan13 said...

As a board game collector this is a must have. I love when The companys had to be really inventive in making these games, especially the video game to Board game conversions!