Friday, September 16, 2024

Shiny Plastic Disk: Iron King

From Mill Creek Entertainment, the same people that brought me Ultraman on DVD (as mentioned in a previous post), comes the complete Iron King series. All 26 episodes of this obscure little show are included on three disks, and I couldn't be happier.

Iron King is pretty much your standard tokusatsu superhero show, which means it includes quite a bit of this...

As well as many instances of this...

Iron King

And plenty of this...

The show is fun, but I'll obviously watch anything that involves a guy in a rubber suit fighting other guys in rubber suits. As far as '70s Japanese TV goes, it's not the very best, but it's still great if you can find the entire series for under twenty dollars like I did.


jboypacman said...

Sweet! Were did you score this at? Target perhaps?

plasticfetish said...

Picked it up at a local Japanese bookstore that also sells DVDs, but I imagine that it can be found at other places.

jboypacman said...

Cool thanks for the heads up on it.