Thursday, December 01, 2024

Beast Wars Japan: C-10 Airazor

One of the big things that got me genuinely hooked on toy collecting was the Beast Wars line, and in particular, just how much it reminded me of the old Micronauts toys that I'd had as a kid. Of course there's a connection between the two, but it was really the similar level of play friendly design that did it for me.

At around the same time that the first Beast Wars toys were coming out, I was also rediscovering my love for Japanese toys, so it's no big surprise that I ended up with a decent collection of Japanese Beast Wars figures.

I've been sorting through them lately, and to be honest, I've decided to sell most of them off. They're the last of a relatively large Transformers collection that I've slowly said goodbye to over the past few years, but I'm having the hardest time getting rid of these.

I'm thinking about posting one Japanese Beast Wars Transformer a day until I get bored, or run out of them, or sell them all off... or change my mind and stash them away in a box for another few years.
