Tuesday, February 28, 2024

World Time

Like a caveman awestruck by fire, I'm still just a little thrilled to see that you can walk into a store these days and buy a decent digital watch for under twenty dollars. I'm old enough to remember when LCD watches and calculators came along and replaced LED, which finally put them within the budgetary reach of normal people.

Sure, those first LCD digital watches were sort of expensive, but honestly, not so much more than what's available today. Now though, the technology is so common that any time I break an old watch, which I just did, I can pop on down to snatch up another for next to nothing.

This time the choice relates to another older clock that I'd found at a thrift store a few months ago.

The Casio world time watch above was actually on sale for less than twenty dollars, and features cool gadgety looking displays, but most importantly, it has an option for five different alarms. It instantly made me think of something that the Science Patrol from Ultraman would have worn, and it also looks like another Casio that I own.

The Casio PQ-4OU is a 1980s entry into the "world time" genre of digital clocks and watches. The thing that attracted me to it was the huge switch that allows you to select a secondary city time. The blue and orange text remind me of something that I can't quite place... but ultimately it has that unique Casio style that I love so much.


jboypacman said...

I was blown away by the fact that they actually still have Calculator watches in stores for sale...Just amazing to me but cool.