One really cool thing that I got from my wife was this board game from 1967. The game itself--a kind of 4-player version of something that Parker Brothers had put out in 1961--isn't all that amazing, but what is cool is the box art.

I can't think of many toys, puzzles, or games that were officially licensed from the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey, so this is kind of special. The cover of the box shows scenes from the movie that were later deleted. Originally Kubrick had one of the astronauts playing an elecronic version of this game with HAL, but it was cut out and replaced with a scene where they play chess instead.
It's become a sort of odd tradition in our house to give each other taxidermy of some sort. I started this a few years ago when I gave wife a weird old taxidermied squirrel, and she continued it this year by giving me this cool little bat encased in acrylic.

This relates in a way to one of the gifts that I gave myself this year: a silver with abalone belt buckle that features two scorpions encased in acrylic. I know I shouldn't be buying myself gifts... but how could I pass this up?

Getting back to the Sci-Fi theme, another cool thing that I'd found while out shopping, was this tin button from around 1982. I don't see a lot of Blade Runner items out there, so this one was a must have.

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